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Where do you want to go?

If I cannot be perfect I can at the very least be real.

I will love loudly and get my heart broken

and I will sing along to the songs in my head

and I will dance at birthday parties

and I will yell when I am angry and apologise afterwards

and I will kiss all of my friends on their foreheads

and I will dissapoint my parents

and I will fuck loudly when I feel it and I will fuck only when I feel like it

and I will walk green trails until my heels are cracking and bleeding

and I will swim in every lake until my lips turn blue

and I will drink wine and quit smoking but fail every now and then

and I will write about all of it and share what I wrote even if no one asked to see it

and I will be sad, I will be so horrendously sad, I will cry with snot and sound and I will look so ugly

and I will look in mirrors and not like who I am

but I will be me and I will be loved by some

I will be me and I will be loved by some.